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Well hello!

And welcome to 


A space for the saints to grow in faith, wrestle with big questions, and test everything against the truth of God’s Word.

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photo of woman sitting down on the ground reading her old and loved well used bible

So what's this
all about? 

Her Theology is a weekly podcast and YouTube channel dedicated to equipping the saints with wisdom and courage. I want to break the hesitation around studying theology, showing that it’s not scary but rather an invitation to dive deeper into God’s Word, wrestle with big questions, and seek clarity. The goal for us all? To be biblically literate, theologically engaged, and ready to stand firm in God’s truth. So will you come on the journey of learning with me?

Cass Backhouse host of Her Theology Podcast sitting on a bed enjoying tea and with her bible



Wife, mum of 4, growing Bible nerd, and the voice behind Her Theology. Life is full of joyful chaos & nothing excites me more than seeing women grow in their faith and confidence in God’s Word. I believe theology can be fun and is nothing to be feared, so I've made it my mission to make it accesible to you. By having insightful conversations with experts & theologians I hope to inspire you to look further into the Bible & how it impacts all of life. 

Her Theology was born from a passion sparked decades ago, and it’s my joy to invite you to come walk alongside this journey with me now.​​​​​

Hey I'm Cass, I'm your host

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"A podcast that holds true to God's Word, isn't afraid to go deep into weighty topics, and speaks truth in love. Highly recommend."


A little encouragement in your inbox

Promise you won't be bombarded with emails, (I'm pretty time poor!) but I can say you will receive the occasional email with any updates, invitation to join our daily bible reading community, encouraging stories along with some surprise free resources as they come.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind & love your neighbour as yourself

Not just heart, not just mind, not just soul,

not just strength, but all of you. Engaged and ready.

Luke 10:27

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